After Mass we had an awesome dinner...a recipe Molly got from Ron Jannos. It was a casserole type thing with sweet Italian sausage, yellow peppers, and rigatoni. Very good. Harrison gave a beautiful toast. We opened some presents and Colleen brought many of us into the 21st century with some webcams so we are looking forward to seeing some of you on-line. We also may try to find a Russian mail-order bride/nanny. We need to see what is out there first. Harrison got basketball shoes that are size 14...they look like boats. Unbelievable. We did some product placement and got him a BC basketball jersey to go with those giant shoes.
The next morning Molly, Phineas and I got up to see Santa's handiwork. Ever wonder the depths of Molly's preppiness? Yes, that is pink and green Christmas paper. Last year I told her I bought special paper from Lily Pulitzer when it was actually from the Target clearance rack. I got a new IPOD, thus allowing me to retire my 2003 model. The students seriously act like I pulled out a Betamax tape deck when they see it...many say "Ive never seen an early IPOD in person" like I have a museum piece. So, now I am cutting edge with 120GB of something. The Santa picture was a surprise gift for Molly and the grandparents. After Christmas morning, we headed up to the NJ mountains of Lake Mohawk to see family. All told, a great start to a first Christmas.
Picture Key:
1. The family by the tree. Finn is overjoyed that his face isn't is shiny as his dad's. Some foundation is in order...perhaps a stocking stuffer?
2. Finn enjoying the pre-Mass festivities at St. Paul's. Manger scene in the background.
3. Finn and Santa. I have some great shots of Finn wondering why a stranger wearing red velvet clothes is holding him. Finn also found the Anthropologie store in his sight line distracting.
4. chatting on the couch with Grandma Dunne. Man can those two talk up a storm.
5. Grandma and Finn. He does a major spit up right after this pic, thus requiring outfit #2.
6. Harrison and Finn, oldest and youngest Dunne cousins. Harrison, that BC jersey looks good!
7. Harrison and Colleen mid-gift opening bonanza.
8. Molly and Finn seeing Santa's handiwork. Molly foolishly did not anticipate obsessive documentation by dad.
9. Finn doing a jaunty-hat Bing Crosby impersonation.
10. Finn opening gifts with Mom.
11.Finn likes paper better than his gifts.
12. Finn likes ribbon better than paper.
13. Flying Finn doing some yoga with Mom.