Hopping down the bunny trail. And by bunny trail we mean I-95 South to the LeMay's in Washington D.C. We had a quick trip down at the last minute, which turned out great because we saw all the Dunnes and also got a bonus visit from Matt B. and Lisa...they drove Jerbear up from North Carolina and stayed over one night. Kelley and Tara came down the next day to completely fill the house with sugar addled kids. In response, we handed out more chocolate. We also went to a BBQ celebration at John and Monica's (they are good friends of the LeMays). John became a Catholic over Easter weekend (congrats, John!). Molly and I didn't attend John's Mass because we needed to babysit the younger kids...and we thought watching one was hard. It was like a triage unit.
The next day we went to Mass and just made it inside the door...it was crazy. It was like seeing Easter Mass in Penn Station...people pushing and shoving, talking in a dozen different languages, we even had one woman faint and be carried out. Finn found his Easter basket and enjoyed (sort of) a peep. He was more interested in the grass than the candy...I am starting to wonder if he is actually my son. The good news is that even though Finn only eats bottles we got enough candy to feed a couple of teenagers -- and it all gets added to Dad's basket. Thanks, Finn. We also did an egg hunt out on the front yard and had some great meals. All around a great trip and an awesome time hanging out with family. Heck, we even Skyped with Godfather Kevin and Uncle Joe Cron out in California. It was fun to get together with everyone and we look forward to the next get together.