On April 1st (yeah, the blog is THAT out of date. Sue me.) Princeton and a bunch of other schools sent out their admission letters. I find it an ironic choice for PU to send out 2,ooo odd admit letters and more importantly 20,000 rejection letters on April Fool's Day. Then the tide turns and the students who have a bunch of great choices for college are in the catbird's seat. All the schools host admit weekends to encourage students to pick their school... at Princeton these weekends are called Princeton Preview. Basically, the whole campus is having parties to convince admitted but not yet matriculated freshmen that everyone at Princeton is cooler, smarter, and more empathetic than the next gothic academic wonderland. Since Molly and the admission office is all hands on deck, and since our office is involved in tons of events, we dragged Finn off and pretended like he was the newest iteration of Doogie Howser and we were picking a college for a six month old. We liked to say to other parents..."Really? It took your child 17 years to prepare for Princeton? Ours did it in five months. And he is going into a PhD program." I think PU should get ahead of the wave and host embryonic weekends... or double-helix DNA hosting weekends. Why wait?
That aside, Finn loved the chaos and spit up on himself multiple times. Just like a regular student. His favorite event was the Black Student Union block party... Finn is in a hip-hop phase. There we met two of my favorite students... Alex Barnard (with mohawk) and Connor Diemand Yauman (student body president and more importantly faithful native Ohioan). We also have a picture with Auntie Toni Seaberry, an all star alum panelist. She is still upset we didn't accept her name choice of Jabarion Dunne... it was tempting but I had been holding onto Phineas as a name since I was 12. Next kid... she has LaDonna (her middle name) picked out for a girl. Cornel West showed up and started dancing with the students... we told the prefrosh that always happens and that is how Toni Morrison injured her hip. We also went to the Asian Night Market which is a huge event. No one thought it odd that we had a baby in the market at 10pm. I have to move east! Finn also took a picture with some awesome alumni panelists who came back to drop some knowledge on the prefrosh and their question-asking parents.
The day it ended Molly flew to Naples, Florida for Jen O'Neill's bachelorette party. Apparently guys and babies are a bit of a drag on the party plans so we were left to fend for ourselves. In response, Finn rocked a new ride and we made more rides up for Hoagie Haven contraband than I care to admit. Molly should go away more often. Damn, #14 cheese steak with lettuce, lots of pickles, hot peppers, salt and pepper. Happiness in a paper bag.