Friday, December 26, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow....

We recently had some snow here in NJ, and when the chemical plants that dot the state are covered in a beautiful ecru blanket, it just all looks like a scene from Norman Rockwell's "Industrial American Dream" series. Princeton grads will be pleased to know that Finn was naked when the first flakes of the season came down (his only departure from the Nude Olympics was that he was sober and on a changing table rather than less than sober and in Holder Courtyard.)

Finn seems to like the snow, and when it began to really accumulate we got out the shovel and put him to work. One of the main reasons for my wanting a son is so I can offload some of the more strenuous/mundane jobs both inside and outside the house. I put him on the walk and he just laid there on the ice crying like a little, well, like a baby. He needs to learn that all his little cute stuffed animals and countless bottles aren't free...everyone in this house needs to contribute.

We once again drove up to the Brackens to cut down our Christmas tree. Colleen and Harrison joined us as we looked for the perfect tree at the Korean monastery/tree farm near the Bracken's house in Sussex County. Nothing says Christmas to us like a Korean monk parking attendant in a Santa suit eating kimchi and handing out candy canes. The place is the best. I do want to proudly note that this year's Rockefeller Center tree did come from nearby Hamilton, NJ, so we know our trees. We closed the weekend with our Christmas cookie making bonanza. Molly runs a tight assembly line. We crank out an army of snowmen like mad dictators. Not to be competitive during the holiday season, but my hats look like perfectly formed fedoras, and Molly's brown smudge at the top of the cookie often looks at best like a bullfighter's hat and at worst a mop of brown, unwashed hair. Her snowmen looked like they have been sleeping in alleys somewhere, all disheveled and beady-eyed, carrot all askew from a night (or more) of hard partying. Keeping with the theme, I watched "Frosty the Snowman" with Finn, which was his first Christmas TV special. Man, that animation is Pixar for first graders. And the kids and their stupid, cloying holiday optimism. The character development is totally two dimensional--literally and figuratively. I cheered when Frosty melted in that dang greenhouse but it just kept going and going....kind of like my posts.

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