Saturday, July 18, 2009

Beach Baptism

One of Molly's main concerns throughout the winter (outside of BC's lack of success in the ACC championship game, I assume -- that is an unspoken worry) has been whether Phineas would like the beach or not. I personally hoped he would simultaneously realize he hated the beach but loved used bookstores, movie theaters, and Friendly's Reeses Pieces sundaes. Sadly, Finn absolutely loves the beach. You will be seeing a lot more postings from here. We go to Spring Lake, an old time Irish beach enclave (try and find a greater oxymoron than that). Molly's cousins live down there and we always have a great time. When Peter Mike isn't grilling his clams, we hit Vic's pizza and Hoffman's Ice Cream. If you ever want to retire early, open a dermatology clinic in Spring Lake... Irish people have absolutely no business being out in the sun.

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