Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Finn came by again to say hello to his sister (he met her last night). Pop Pop and Mimi (precious names I know but Finn actually came up with them. He found calling them Mr. and Mrs. Bracken a bit too cold and formal) have been all-star Finn watchers and even worked on Finn's pronunciation of his sister's name. Surprisingly, Finn pronounciation of "Cecilia" sounds more like "Competition." He did give her five minutes of love and then spent the rest of the time encouraging adults to sit on the floor with him. Mind you, we are still in some sort of a delivery room, and as such the adults weren't eager to sit down. Bleach can only do so much.

It was great fun having everyone together, and it was a real treat to hang out with Finny. We also had some fun visitors today from the orange and black army. Kathleen Deignan (my boss) stopped by on her way home. She gave a very impressive genetics lecture about babies and eye color. It involved big Bs and little bs and recessive genes, generation skipping double helix genomes, etc. The end result seemed to be that it is genetically impossible for me to be Cecilia's father (biologically. Again, for tax reasons I will be claiming her as a dependent). It was an awkward conversation to have in front of the Brackens, but then the kicker was that Molly cannot genetically be her father's daughter, so that kind of equalized things. At least that is how I understood KD's lecture. I guess you just can't take the New Jersey out of the girl. And now I have a daughter with a NJ birth certificate, oh brother indeed.

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