Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tempus Fugit

The Finn-man is officially 6 months old. We can't believe how he has grown and how quickly he has broken us down and dominated our household. We celebrated with a walk into town to get a cupcake at the Bent Spoon, one of our favorite spots. Man, for a little guy who has never swallowed solid food, he really smashes the living hell out of a cupcake. Our boy is ready for some solids!

(Ok, I am stopping here. Molly says if I don't try and write a self-indulgent novella for each post, I may update this more than once every two months.)


Wendy said...

OMG...He has grown into a real little boy. And I agree with Molly about the posts :)

Colleen said...

Two things...first, I would like it noted publicly that his Aunt Colleen bought him the baby face sweater he is wearing in the 6 month picture -- and second, how freakin' cute is he wearing his party hat in the tub???

drocampo said...

He's so adorable! I hope you're both doing well. Tom, you're still a punk.