Wednesday, October 13, 2010


We've had a wonderful evening at home. My sister Colleen came to meet Cecilia and we got to pick up Finn from school, which includes a beautiful walk through Lawrenceville's glorious campus. Hosana (my mother in law. it's a long story but yes, I do take credit for authoring this perfect name) made a pot roast and some incredible squash with cranberries from our farm share (self-absorbed bloggers care about the slow food movement, don't you?). The whole house smelled like home cooking, and our rooms were filled with laughter. Finn was so tickled to see his sister in his house. It was one of those moments when you feel like a bit of a blessed impostor for being the father/husband in a scene as pure as this one. The evening ended with Finn inviting Cecilia to her first story time. Here's to hoping there are many more days ahead as full as this one.

1 comment:

S. Jean Lee said...

wow...this one gave me a little prickle in the eyes! enjoy the bliss Dunnes...