Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Dunnes are Sprung!

Today we were officially released (i.e. kicked out by the staff with help from insurance companies) from the hospital and free to take our baby home! While we waited for various paperwork to be completed, we did take some "one arm wonder" shots with C-Pyne (her auto tune rap album will be dropping in time for the holidays; she spitz da truth on the mic). It's always a challenge to get my Macy's Day Parade balloon size head in the frame with Molly, so I was presently surprised to find that we were also able to successfully squeeze our seven pounds of pink fury in the frame as well.

Our neighbor Anya works at the hospital, and she stopped by to greet us as we took Cecilia outside for the first time. She also took a classic "new parent" shot of us as we loaded up for Lawrenceville. Yes, folks, Cecilia Pyne's first car ride was in a vintage PT Cruiser, which can be seen crouching like a muscular taupe panther in the left side of the shot. Yeah that's how we roll.

PS- hospitals, more specifically hospital staff and administration, don't appreciate the following areas of humor regardless of the objective quality of said humor:
  • baby switching/snatching

  • post partum depression jokes

  • references to stealing pain medications and/or prescription pads

  • hazy paternity record keeping

  • being tipped like bell hops

  • handing doctors catcher's mitts and telling them to "go get 'em."

  • citing anti-uterian bias (i've trademarked that term)

  • checking eagleaction during delivery (although, a lull is a lull regardless of the action)

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