Can anyone explain why someone who sleeps all the time needs to eat every ninety minutes? Finn has been doing some serious REM (the sleep pattern not the band) the past two days. Molly's friend Anna gave us a great toy sheep which plays soothing ocean sounds (I guess sounds from a meadow or an Australian slaughterhouse, while technically more accurate for a sheep, wouldn't be as hypnotic as recordings of whales and the surf.) Finn absolutely loves it. I think that when Finn can finally stay awake on his walks, he will be disappointed to learn that we actually don't live by the ocean, and that deceptive little sheep has been lying all along. In the short moments when Finn is awake, he stares at a black and white circle patterned diaper wipes case..it makes him catatonic. His eyes get all big and he has the glassy, vacant look of a "raver"...we should add some Crystal Method to his baby CD.
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