We are overjoyed to announce the arrival of Phineas "Finn" Robert. He joined our family last night and weighed in at 8 pounds and 6 oz. He is 21.5 inches long. I am so estatic that I am at a loss for words...a new experience for me. Molly is my hero. At the risk of getting Lou Gehrig on you all...I feel like the luckiest man in the world.
YEAH!!!!!! So cute! I am soo happy for you guys and can't wait to meet him! :)
Congratulations!! He is adorable.
Congratulations, Molly and Tom and Welcome to the World, Finn! The nurses were right--he is beautiful! Can't wait to meet him. Thanks, Tom, for the delivery room commentary. You've taken blogging to new heights in my book. We are so happy for you guys and send much love and best wishes to your little family!
~Meg, Patrick, Jake and Ella
HOORAY for the arrival of Finn!!! I am so happy for all of you and looking forward to meeting the newest line of Dunne. Molly looks gorgeous and it sounds like the new Dad has come through labor with minor bruises. Love the blog.
Congrats to all!
~ Shirley
Gorgeous! Wonderful news.
congratulations, deans dunne!! we were all so giddy with anticipation at pboard yesterday when devon told us the news - and now finn is here!
a warm welcome to babydunne!
- will w.
Congratulations all around! So much for contemplating induction. Tom, I was laughing out loud reading "I also learned I am not supposed to be in her sight line during a contraction. Nor am I supposed to be eating a cookie.." XOXO, Wendy, Marc, Wyatt & Meredith
Hey Tom and Molly...allow me to first say you have the most beuatiful baby I have ever seen. He is gorgeous. I got all sobby at the sight of him and of you and Molly in your newest role of Mom and Dad. I always felt that there is NOTHING like that first baby...as it was Finn who changed who you both are. Never again will you become parents...each baby is a blessing and a miracle, but that first one changes you in a way no subsequent baby will. Not I REALLY need a tissue. Oh and I will remind you who the heck I am...LOL!! Anne's friend Dawn...Shane's buddy, Steven's mom (notice how I have no identity of my OWN). Welcome sweet baby Finn!!! May you have a life rich with blessings. Hugs to you all...Dawn
Congratulations, he's GORGEOUS! Hope you are both enjoying the exhausted glow of new parenthood and soaking up every inch of your new boy Finn.
The baby is sooo cute and I am so excited to meet my new 1st cousin.
He's adorable!
I'm so thrilled for you and Molly, and for Finn - he's blessed to have such wonderful parents to introduce him to the world! Congratulations to the whole family! I just hope this doesn't mean the blogging is going to stop...
welcome to the world, little Finn Dunne-- it's a much better place now, with you in it! Molly and Tom- we are thrilled for you- and as a friend (somewhat seriously) advised us when Christina was born - "remember it all - it's all so amazing, fun and great, and you just don't want to forget a thing!!!" (good luck!)
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